School Program

Holistic Learning through Music

Our Vision and Mission for Nurturing Music

We strongly believe that there is music in every child and the minute the student walks into the Music Class at your School, there’s the possibility of a blossom, the possibility of a miracle. Here there is deep commitment to exploring the possibility within a student, expanding musical sense in themselves and the possibilities within the music.

Provide Music Learning through a structured curriculum and create an atmosphere for your School students to develop a liking for Music and learn strong music concepts which makes them more confident, enhance brain power, socialize through music, learn discipline and aim for excellence.

Sangeeta Music Academy Overview

Brand & Expertise

Our Brand is not just a Logo, a Website or a Visiting Card. It is a CUSTOMER EXPERIENCE that we bring in. Our expertise lies in conducting structured training in Music and add value in ones musical journey from Beginner to a Maestro.

Trained Resources

We choose Trinity College of London certified resources who are passionate about Teaching Music and groom them with the best in class training techniques as it is the Teacher who makes the difference and not the classroom.

Structured Curriculum

Our Curriculum is created by the Faculties and not handed to them. Our Experts have guided the Teachers in the development of the curriculum through mindful and provoking discussions and feedback.

Stage Performance

We Teach students to deal with stage fright as it never goes away, but it is the key to the magical performance. Regular opportunities to perform and feedback from Experts help once to come up the curve.

Evaluation and Exam Preparation

The most important evaluation comes when our Experts sit besides the students and help them grow and excel. We motivate to practice not to get it right but to practice till one can't get it wrong.

Workshops & Experts

It's all to do with Training. One can do a LOT if one is PROPERLY TRAINED. Regular Workshops and Expert Sessions increase students involvement and enhance learning and creativity.

Activity Based Music Teaching for Toddlers (Age 3 to 6)

Activity Based Music Teachings Using Audio Visuals

Motor Skills

Music encourages children's inclination to move, developing their fine motor skills and gross motor skills.

Language Skills

Music has rules for ordering elements, including notes, chords and intervals that convey emotional meaning.

Cognitive Skills

The act of making music facilitates high levels of cognitive function, including logical reasoning and complex problem solving.

Social Skills

Actively learning music with your child is a fun and easy way to support your child's socio-emotionial and social skills.

Plan for Age Group 6 and above

Introducing Music Instruments and Develop Liking for Music

Learn To Read & Play Music

Set A Practice Routine

Play Songs

Need to know more about our School Music Program
Structure - Curriculum - Pricing

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